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UIW Class Ring Ceremony

UIW Class Ring Ceremony

Does the University of The Incarnate Word Have a Ring Ceremony?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word proudly hosts a Ring Ceremony to honor its students' achievements. This meaningful event is a milestone in every Cardinal's journey, symbolizing students' hard work, dedication, and commitment at UIW. The ring represents academic achievement and a lifelong connection to the UIW community.

Dates and Locations:

According to the university's official ring vendor, the Fall UIW Ring Ceremony is scheduled for December 9th, 2024. Specific times and locations have yet to be confirmed. This event is a chance for students to celebrate their accomplishments with their peers and loved ones. Make sure to save the date and participate in this cherished tradition!

What is the UIW Ring Tradition?

One of UIW's unique traditions is the blessing of the class rings. UIW class rings stay overnight in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word, a holy space used by UIW's Sisters of Charity. On the day of the ceremony, the Sisters bless the rings, their wearers, and any families in attendance. After the rings are blessed, students walk across the stage to receive them.

How to Get a UIW Class Ring:

Students can order UIW rings through the official ring vendor or other jewelers. The university website provides detailed instructions on ordering, policies, and deadlines.

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